Did you manage to follow all the main artificial intelligence-related stories that happened in the past quarter? Are investments falling or rising? What was the main topic in Q2? Which are the latest and most exciting use cases?
SNGLR Group got you covered. Our team curated an executive-level brief that offers you an overview of the most important stories pertaining to artificial intelligence that happened in Q2.
Our hot topic: the European Commission released its proposal for an artificial intelligence framework, dubbed Artificial Intelligence Act, that will apply to companies worldwide, GDPR-style.
Also important: private investments in AI keep soaring, but a lower number of funding rounds and a higher share of M&A suggest that the industry is following a consolidation trend.

From the legislative arena, however, the increased push and pervasiveness of AI does not translate into more accomodating policies. Quite the opposite: besides the stricter rules that the EU is drafting, Spain passed a law that forces transparency into selected AI procedures and the US is still opposing deregulation for autonomous vehicles.
SNGLR Group AI Brief 2021 Q2 is the 5-to-10 minute executive brief that covers the most important trends in artificial intelligence.
For a more thorough understanding of the deeper dynamics pertaining to the AI industry, including trends and use cases for your business, follow our blog, our LinkedIn page, or have a chat with us. We’ll be very happy to hear from you.
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SNGLR Group’s Artificial Intelligence Quarterly Executive Briefing‘s authors are Maria Abou-Sakr and Luca Sambucci. Feel free to contact the authors if you have questions or if you want to know more.
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